Emergency Twitter Data Collection Session

Cite Wil's implementation of the searchtweets-v2 package:

Dubree, W. M. (2023). Twitter API examples. https://github.com/wrmeyer/Comp_Comm_Coop_SP2023/tree/main/Twitter%20API%20Examples 

February 6th (Monday) 11 AM

Vilas Hall Room 5157

Twitter announced that they will be revoking access to their API for anyone not paying. This means that researchers using the academic V.2 API will lose access starting February 9th.

In response, the Computational Communication Cooperative will host an EMERGENCY TWITTER DATA COLLECTION SESSION. We will be using Python to collect spreadsheets of Tweet data, so bring a laptop! If you have access to the API, great! Otherwise, feel free to come, and we will try to pair you with someone who has access.

We will also be happy to discuss troubleshooting via email leading up to February 9th.

Please find everything you need for collecting Twitter data with Python here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XoAkA1uINb1ciVvcY9VZPohPzeZrmtpC?usp=sharing 

Feel free to download these and open them in Jupyter lab.
